Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sprouts! (And, of course, nice-smelling hair.)

So the thyme and the Italian and Genovese basil sprouted yesterday morning.  I was shocked, because I'd expected a much longer waiting period after planting them in the little egg carton I had them all nestled into.  By the end of the day one of the oregano plants was peeping its tiny head into the world as well.  I'm very excited.

Yesterday was definitely a day of... something.  DIY-ness?  Crunchy-ness?  Sadly, I haven't really researched what people call what I'm doing so much as I've just been doing it.

For example.  I've been doing the no-shampoo thing for perhaps a month so far.  But I missed the way my hair used to smell when I poured half a gallon of conditioner into it every morning (and never rinsed it out).  So yesterday morning, I researched the ingredients of my one of my two homemade air fresheners a little before spraying the stuff directly into my hair.  Now, my hair smells awesome.  (And it's a pretty color, too.  See?)

So then, since I was feeling inspired (and my skin had been dry for days) I tried using coconut oil in place of lotion.  I honestly think it works better.  No, that's not just my "it's good for you, so it must be better" side talking.  I mean that I always hated lotion.  It left this sticky residue stuff on my skin that left me feeling like I needed a bath.  But the coconut oil just seemed to absorb into my skin, leaving it smooth and soft and healthy-feeling.

Yay.  And then, because my mother-in-law had a bag of kale that was going to go bad, I made mixed berry/orange/ginger/kale smoothies.  And those were pretty good.

So yesterday was a good day.  I did healthy things.  I tried new things.  And my plants started sprouting!  All totaled, it was a very good day.

That evening, a final thought crossed my mind before bed: in our purge of excess belongings, I've been careful to keep a hold on a single bag of stripper gear.  A just-in-case bag.  One pair of dance shoes, a few outfits, some makeup.  I realized now's probably the time to go through that bag and let of the final vestiges of my stripperdom.  I think that stage of my life just might be done for good.

My new job will be to publish my (damn) novels and garden organic food so as to save us money by cutting our grocery bill as much as possible.  Knock on wood, but I don't believe I'll be returning to the strip club.

1 comment:

  1. 3 Researches SHOW Why Coconut Oil Kills Waist Fat.

    The meaning of this is that you literally kill fat by consuming coconut fats (also coconut milk, coconut cream and coconut oil).

    These 3 researches from big medicinal journals are sure to turn the traditional nutrition world around!
