Sunday, March 25, 2012

Honey and the Proto-Potty

So I made a toilet.  I got tired of not having a composting toilet, and I haven't been able to build one yet because I haven't had the materials I always thought were necessary to build a composting toilet.  I had the five gallon bucket, and I had a toilet seat we'd salvaged from the trailer, but I didn't have any wood to build a box to put the toilet seat on top of.  So on Friday (I think) after my fiance left for work, I went through several scraps we'd saved from the trailer, looking for something-- anything-- that could be used to build the box for a toilet.

Ultimately, I didn't find anything there.  Instead, I kept walking past this lovely old chair I'd taken with me from my hometown in North Dakota.  I think the rest of the table set it originally came from was lost in a complicated storage-space-management fiasco.  Anyway, the seat of the chair had long since been torn up by the claws of the cats who had since been de-clawed (for this and other reasons).  My fiance and I, who have been purging ourselves of unnecessary possessions (all that junk we own and never use) were just about ready to toss this chair along with the rest of our un-donateable junk in the trash.  And that was when I came up with this idea:

Isn't it lovely?  Okay, if you're thinking to yourself its one of the homeliest things you've ever seen, you won't be alone in that opinion.  However, I think it holds potential.  I tore the ripped-up cushion out of the chair and sawed a round hole in the wooden bottom of it and secured the toilet seat onto the seat of the chair.  I still need to find a way to secure the bucket in place underneath it, but for all intents and purposes, that is a primitive but functional composting toilet.

I call it the Proto-Potty. :)

Anyway, having made this, I think I have a few more ideas of how much space we'll need for the bathroom part of the trailer, which I find very exciting.  I have this idea about the sink we salvaged from the trailer that I need to try out.  It might work out.  It might be a disaster.  As with all the new ideas I try.

And speaking of new ideas.  If you haven't heard of Crunchy Betty yet, it's time I introduce you.  I've been reading her blog like crazy, and today I finally decided to try one of her blackhead treatments.  It's method number two from this page.  I steamed my face for ten minutes (because I have acne) and then decided to try patting my face with honey because I had honey on hand.

I didn't really think it would work.  I thought it would be like most of those blackhead treatments you hear about where you try it out and it doesn't work but if you think about it a lot, you realized your skin at least feels a little softer so it wasn't a complete waste.  Because that's how all these "skin treatments" generally affect me: "I guess it might've helped a little?  I guess?"

So, you can imagine my surprise-- my outright shock-- when it actually worked.  I watched all the blackheads peppering my nose burst open and drain out like magic.  I didn't have to squeeze them or anything.  I just patted tacky honey on my face and they burst.  Like Magic!

I couldn't believe it.  My face looked so beautiful afterward.  And there was an actual, genuine noticeable difference.  So, yeah.  I have to make some Parmesan flax seed crackers for my fiance and I.  We've been eating a lot of awesome vegetarian food lately.  I must post recipes.

Until then, hope everyone's doing well.  :)

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