Saturday, January 26, 2013

I'm gonna be so sore tomorrow...

So the club was pretty quiet.  On a Friday.  Something about freezing fog and rent being due soon.  Too many dancers, hardly any customers.  And it was cold.

So I did lots of stretches on the back tables to keep warm. :D

I've already got one bruise showing purple on my knee.  The others will make an appearance tomorrow morning.  Always signs that I've been getting plenty of good exercise at work.

I got some really good stretching in.

I managed my very first ever straddle splits.  (That's the one where one legs goes left and the other goes right.)  It was uncomfortable and it wasn't as poker straight as I would have liked, but it was pretty undeniably a splits.  I managed to get to it by doing lots of back-bends (lots of work done on the back tonight) and then stretching in the opposite direction by spreading my legs and laying my torso forward between them, keeping my upper and middle back as straight as possible.

I'm quite sure there's a yogic term for that position, but I'm too tired to look it up right now.  I guess it's a pretty commonly used position to open up the hips and widen the splits.

Anyway, I did tons of that stuff.  And I only shivered uncontrollably from time to time.  (My internal thermometer's funky.  I suspect I'm some sort of reptile.)

Anyway, it was good.  I tried really improving the depth of my back-bends in the area of my spine around my rib cage.  I know I tend to neglect that area when doing a bend, and it's kind of hard to feel it right now because I'm still building up the muscles to arch it backward and really open up my rib cage.

And I'm rambling.

Some drunk guy tried grabbing my butt.  I walked up to him and asked for a dance and he wrapped an arm around me and grabbed a nice handful.  So I pushed him away and he acted like I'd done something wrong.

HIM: "Hey!"
ME: (grinning like this is all just flirting, because there's the slimmest chance I'll make some money from this group of people) "You can't just go grabbing on me without paying me.  What kind of a girl do you think I am?"
[NOTE: No one can go grabbing my ass-cheeks like that.  Especially when I'm in a super-mini mini skirt and a pair of undies.  Wait.  I take that back.  My husband can.]
HIM: (drunken stare, clearly at a loss for words.)

So I walked passed the drunk grabby fellow and asked his friend for a dance.  His friend said yes.  I think because #1 it was his way of apologizing for his friend being a drunk idiot and #2 I didn't freak out at grabby guy, but maintained a flirtatious manner while scolding him.  What wisdom to take from this, I really can't say.  Don't flip the fuck out at guys who are trying to knead your butt like they're making a loaf of bread?  Or, maybe just don't flip the fuck out at people when you're trying to get money out of their friends.  (That's the second time I've made money by acting cheerful immediately after someone makes an ass of himself.)

I really hope that in a real-world situation (and the strip club is kinda surreal, so it doesn't count) I'd punch whoever grabbed my butt like that.

Anyway, that was my one asshole for the night.  I also met a really cool Dune fan-- yay, Dune!-- and another gentleman who was very pleasant to talk to.  I made hardly any money, but I'd still call it a good night.

Sleepy now.  To that degree that I feel mildly goofy.  I knew it was time to go home when I exclaimed to myself,  "Holy Carp!" in the changing room and then burst into a fit of giggles.

In the last three days I've managed to write 24,000 words on Justine.  This is probably contributing to my tiredness.  Probably more than a little bit.  I can't wait to get Justine done and published.

Future Goals: Finish writing Justine.  Find a willing editor.  Finish book two of The Promethean Riddle (it's already halfway done so it should go by pretty fast.)  Start posting youtube videos about dancing and writing.  Learn how to do a handstand.  (I've really been working on this one, but I'm not quite there yet.)

Guys, I really hope this is legible, because I'm falling asleep at the computer.  Good night.

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