Friday, April 13, 2012


So, a lot's happened.  So, I'm just going to drop a lot of info.

1.) Chickens
My God, they're getting big.  I think it's safe to say they've entered the awkward teenage stage of their development.  They're growing their feathers, and every time I look at them they seem just a little bit bigger.  I woke up this morning and found Pip sitting on top of the feeder, about an inch below the top of the tub they're living in.  So we put some chicken wire over the top to prevent them from getting out prematurely, and put a few sturdy twigs in for them to roost on.  My in-laws started building their chicken coop this evening.  My fiance and I will probably start tomorrow morning.  The time is rapidly approaching that we will have chickens and not just chicks.

2.)Hair Gel
It's good, but at the same time, the way I made it is not.  There's a reason everyone tells us to use whole flax seeds.  I improvised with milled, since I had no money to buy whole.  This means I ended up with a whole lot of very fine grains of flax in my hair gel.  This means that when I used a whole lot of hair gel yesterday on my hair, I ended up with this sticky black goop all up in my hair that them combed out in itty bitty black crumbles.  It looked like flea poops.  Very gross.  So I washed out all my hair gel, and I will be trying a new recipe soon, either with whole flax seeds or something else (gelatin, guar gum, xanthum gum... who knows what).

3.)Spring Water
So, apparently, we've been drinking untreated, fresh spring water.  Which is awesome.  Yesterday, we went to the spring to get more water.  We literally drove for a way out into the countryside, then pulled over on the side of the rode in the middle of nowhere.  Around here there are a lot of rock faces on the side of the road.  There was one at the spot where we stopped, and sticking out of it was a pipe.  And a bunch of fresh spring water was flowing out of it.  Ground spring.  Beautiful.  Here's what it looked like:
Lovely, no?

So, that... seems like it'll be it.  I'm sure there's more but I don't remember.

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