Thursday, January 5, 2012

We got a new home!

So much happened this week.  And I'm really excited about a lot of it.  (Currently resisting the urge to put an exclamation mark (!) at the end of each sentence.  I'm happy.)

Bad news first.  I went to work, because we still have rent to pay, and I found out that one of our girls got roofied on New Years.  She was okay, apart from being so sick they almost hospitalized her.  She got ahold of one of the managers the moment she started feeling the effects of the drug, and the guys who did it sidled out before anyone could think to question them.

I really need to quit my job.  Our lease is up in two months.  I still have to pay my taxes for last year.  And then we can move into our new home and I can start looking for a new job.  That's going to be a strange experience.  I've been a stripper for four years now.  I kind of want to find a job that's on par with stripping for the level of creativity, freedom and inventiveness I'm allowed to use.  I don't know if a job like that exists out there.  Most likely I'll have to start my own business.  There is no "I" in "team" and I definitely prefer an "I" kind of working situation.

I know it's probably hard to believe, but some of us actually like coming into work.  It's not that I like being a wild girl.  I don't like drugs or drinking or casual sex, either.  But I do like to dance.  I like not having a manager hovering over me telling me what I need to do and what I don't need to do.  I like coming into work when I please and leaving when I please.  What kind of standard nine-to-five is going to replace being virtually self-employed?

Moving on: the most exciting thing happened yesterday.  Drumroll please?  We have a new home!

She's a '76 Concord travel trailer.  (I've wanted a tiny home for us for months now.)  She cost us $800 and she's definitely seen better days.  I have pictures so you can see what I'm talking about.  (Expect those tomorrow or the next day.)

My future mother-in-law, a family friend, and I all started to tear it down in the inside the moment I had my receipt and the guy who delivered it had driven off.  We pulled out the window screens, the window blinds, the couch, the fold-out bed, a row of cabinets, a storage shelf, one of the walls, the carpet...

By evening she looked so much better.  There's a place where we can build in a little love seat next to the windows, and face it toward a little stove.  There's a place where we can put in a murphy bed on one side.  There's even a teeny tiny bathtub.  There's also water damage... which means more demolition is require before we can start building onto it.

Anyway, I'm about to head back out to begin peeling linoleum today.  I can't wait to get the pictures loaded and up so you can see them.

It'll take us a couple months to get her in good shape, but by the time we do, our lease will be up and we'll have a place to move into rent-free.  And I can quit dancing and start up my own business doing... something?

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