Sunday, July 15, 2012

Why I haven't posted in a while...

Due to a series of unforeseen events, we ended up moving away from where we lived very hurriedly.  We packed up all our belongings, spent two nights in a hotel room shopping for apartments, then a month at a good friend's house until our new apartment was ready.  It's a beautiful apartment and we're very happy here.

We were able to bring the cats with us (they're like our pre-children children).  We were not able to take the chickens with us.  The last I've heard, they were sold to a very humane chicken farm.  The trailer is sitting in someone's driveway.

The move was a bit stressful-- as I suppose any sudden relocation would be-- but I'm very happy that we ended up where we are.  This is a beautiful place, and both my fiance and I (and even the cats) are very pleased with out new home.

That said, today I finally began looking at what to do with the trailer.  Since the sudden move, I've been considering abandoning the trailer altogether to build more permanent housing on the land we purchased.  However, we've begun discussing the possibility of leaving the state altogether.

If this were to be the case, we might benefit from having a livable trailer to plop on a new plot of land in a new state and live out of until a more permanent dwelling was constructed.

So... I might begin working at the trailer again.  I'm pretty sure it would be mostly me doing the work on it this time around.  The people who had been available to help me in the past had a lot of schedule conflicts, and several aspects of the trailer work were delayed indefinitely while we waited for our schedules to line up.

So, this time, I'll just work on it myself.  If it turns out okay, it turns out okay.  If it doesn't, I'll consider it a learning experience.  My long-term goal is to live someday in a house that I've built (more or less) with my own hands.  As the trailer will be a much smaller project, it might give me an idea how realistic my aspirations are.

It might all be a disaster.  Certainly there will be at least a few problems that I don't have the experience to remedy correctly.  So I'll just have to make due with the flaws and try to compensate as best I can.

Wish me luck.  One of these days, we'll get back on track.  One of these days, I'll be able to start up a new flock of chickens and build that tiny house I've wanted to build.  We'll just have to wait until we can do it in a place that's more stable.

Every experience, good or bad, is a learning experience.  I'll look at the world that way, and just keep going.  It's all any of us can do.

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